A one day massage workshop will give you a basic insight into massage therapy. You will be taught the basic techniques to enable you to carry out a full body massage, including the safe use of essential oils. You will be supervised whilst giving a full body massage treatment to another student, as well as being given the opportunity to feel the benefits of receiving a treatment.
The Introduction course is carried out over several sessions and will equip you with enough knowlegde to perform a competant full body massage on friends and family. The techniques taught on this course are very similar to those taught on the Diploma course therefore it is the perfect stepping stone if you wish to take your training further.
The course is quite intense, taking about 50/60 hours to complete. This is broken down into manageable sessions over several weeks/months, depending on your availability to attend the course. The course involves both theory and practical work. After successful completion of the course you will have a Full Diploma in Massage, Anatomy and Physiology, enabling you to work independently as a Professional Therapist.
The aim of this course is to help you have a greater knowledge and understanding of massage techniques. And appreciate the benefits that can be achieved in muscular and skeletal problems. Thus putting massage treatments amongst some of the best recognised ways of treating the entire body. We will be covering; Pre/Post event massage - Muscle tone & posture - Breathing - Heat treatments - Neuromuscular technique - Exercise physiology - Flexibility/Stretching - Anatomy & physiology - Neurological system - Effects.
There are some techniques, which though quickly learnt, have a great degree of complexity in the theory behind them, this involves nerve pathways, or meridian lines, or pain reflex points. This course will look closely into the spinal nerve map. Reflex trigger points (Trigger spots) which are commonly found in back pain. Major meridians and specific shiatsu/accupressure treatment for lumbago and sciatica. Also Neuromuscular and connective tissue massage.
This course consists of a practical and theory examination. All course notes and equipment provided. This course is suitable for qualified massage therapists, and practitioners who are qualified at diploma level body massage with Anatomy & Physiology. By the end of this course, you will have gained enough information both written diagrammatic and verbal form to be able to perform a total head, neck, upper back and part facial massage. HEAD AND FACIAL MASSAGE This short course will concentrate on the side of the therapy which is concerned with the care of the skin. Nevertheless where there is an important side-benefit arising from the use of particular oil, an example being that, of say, Geranium, which while is excellent oil for the use of skin care, is also a potent anti-depressant.
We will be covering; Modern use of essential oils -- Skin-care -- Which oils -- Value of massage using essential oils.
This chair massage course is specifically designed for the back, neck, shoulders, arms and hands. Seated massage is also known as On Site Chair Massage. This is a very popular treatment. It can be carried out in the office or gym or outdoors. You don't need to remove your clothes should you not to wish to. The duration of this type of massage treatment, can be done from as little as 10 to 30 minutes treatments.
Lymphatic Drainage is a specialist treatment that is performed by using light rhythmical strokes, encouraging the movement of lymphatic fluid. This is useful in reducing fluid retention and fighting cellulite, combating fatigue, reducing post operative scarring and boosting the immune system. Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or have limited mobility, will find this treatment is very useful.